Photo Caption: The man and women gathered here are smiling and celebrating with one another. They are volunteers from the Washington Shores Church of Christ. Their new training site for LifeWorks opened in February 2020.
Being unemployed is something that a lot of people do not want to experience. However, there are times in people’s lives when this occurs. In 2018, the state of Florida had 46% of its households struggle to find their basic human needs due to unemployment. Of that 46%, 47% came from Orange County. These households could barely manage to afford childcare, food, healthcare, transportation, and necessities for the house. This issue of poverty was something that needed to be addressed and dealt with, so the Jobs Partnership of Florida (JP) was founded in 1999. Through collective effort and strategic planning, JP has been helping to reduce the unemployment in Florida.
Going into 2020 JP hopes to expand its reach and help more people. They hope to generate two new streams of revenue to increase the capacity of the program. This will allow the program to increase its employees and the amount of training graduates can receive. They are looking to reach out to people located in Orange County. Here JP will have annual events to meet new partners and donors and launch an ambassador program. JP hopes to gain 30 new partners, 250 donors, 4 new events, and much more.
To find out more about the Jobs Partnership of Central Flordia, please visit their website.